Wednesday, October 10, 2012

getting kids to do chores

Am I the only one that struggles getting my kids to do chores around the house?  I sure hope not, because I think it's one of the biggest fights I have with my kids.

I've tried chore wheels and reward posters and other incentive programs but none of them ever really stick.  Suddenly the chore wheel will just disappear or the kids will get bored with my incentives.  We also have a hard time finding a system that works for the older kids and the younger kids.

But we are ALL DONE with having chore chart problems because now we use My Job Chart

My Job Chart is an awesome online chore chart where you can customize the chores and the rewards for each of your kids.  And the kids get to log on online and enter in the chores they've completed and choose which rewards they'd like to get.  And if it's one thing that I know my kids like it's having their own secret login and choices in rewards that none of the other kids can mess with.

Also, My Job Chart is FREE.  So check it out.  I bet you and your kids will like it as much as we do!

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