Monday, July 9, 2012

FHE Idea: Service

FHE Theme: Service makes us happy.

Scripture: Matthew 22:37-40, Matthew 25:40

Songs: "If We're Helping We'rd Happy" and "Love One Another" Children's Songbook

Story: "We'll Carry You", from the February 2011 Friend, is a great story about service told by President Monson.  Plus it ends with some examples of what four children did to provide service to others.  You can find the article on the website here.

If you'd like to add an activity to the lesson to make it a bit longer, try our Service Printable Booklet and Smile Handout.  The booklet is fun to fold and color, and includes a page where you have to think of what YOU can do to provide service, so it's great for getting kids to think.  Plus, the smile handout is just fun to hold up to your face!  (I'm thinking family-service-smiles photo opp.)

It would be great to end your lesson with the new video put out by the church:


Lisa said...

Thank you for the link to this video! I am doing an Activity Days on service this week, and this will greatly enhance it! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Love your site and ideas! Hoping to print out your service book for a class activity, but can't get the link to work. Is there a way to have this emailed to me, or can I purchase it somehow? Thanks for your hard work so I can work on other things!