Thursday, April 7, 2011

Freebie Friday

Remember when we said we'd have our new site up and running in March?  The one with all the fun learning stuff?  REMEMBER THAT?! 

Yeah, well, we haven't forgotten. 

It's just that it's taking us much much longer than we anticipated.  (It's because we're trying really super hard to offer quality products that actually help you teach your children AND are cute.)  So we thought we'd give you another little teaser of the awesomeness that will be WeeSmart.  (And eventually we may actually get the website up and running...)

FOR TODAY ONLY (as in friday April 8, 2011)  YOU CAN GET THIS FOR FREE:


Here's how:

1- Put both the D is for Dinosaurs file folder game & Dinosaurs at the Beach worksheets in your shopping cart.

2- Make sure you're signed in.

3- Use the code: WEESMART and the cost of the file folder game will be taken off your total when you check out.

But, and this is IMPORTANT, these sneak peek products will only be in the Green Jello with Carrots shop for FRIDAY ONLY.  And then they'll be whisked away to be released again when WeeSmart is up and running (which will hopefully be soon....ish.)  So yeah, make sure you order them TODAY. 

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