Thursday, September 24, 2009


This week's freebie, Conference Match, is perfect for the upcoming session of Conference.

Keep your kids happily attentive by giving everyone a card. The first person to hear all the subjects mentioned by the speakers wins!

You can even let your kids put a piece of candy on each square they've identified, so that once they have filled the whole card they have a treat to eat.

I wanted to let everyone know that we will be spotlighting different products and/or sections every tuesday. The things you'll see on tuesday spotlight posts will be already existing products, and we'll be offering them at a discounted price for the day. So make sure and check out the blog on tuesdays to see the spotlight and grab the discount!


Simone said...

Melissa, there's no cart option to select this product. Could you please check it? thanks in advance.

I Am Mom said...

These cards are a great idea and so cute. Wish I could get them into my cart though. There is no cart button. Thank you so much for all your cute ideas. I love your blog

Rebekah said...

Thank you Melissa,can't wait to use them at Conference Time.

Anonymous said...

parabenssss e muito legal!!!!

Simone said...

It works now. Thank you so much

Rebekah said...

I am looking forward to Tuesday Spotlight.